Euromag meets Mexican water measurement law

Euromag meets Mexican water measurement law Inserito il 25 October 2021

The role of the new regulation

The strategic importance of water has led to the formulation in Mexico of the National Water Law, enforced through NOM NMX-AA-179-SCFI-2018: the objective is to ensure reliable measurement of national water sources and allow the parties and authorities involved to be able to better control and manage the processes, so as to make useful and appropriate decisions for the conservation of the resource.


In order to fulfil this objective, the parties involved need technologies that comply with the requirements of the Mexican standard and are capable of carrying out the water extraction process competently and reliably.


Euromag flowmeters

Euromag flowmeters, designed with the maximum competence, meet the highest standards of conformity: they are constructed and calibrated in such a way that they also meet the requirements outlined by the new Mexican water metering law, thus making it possible to define the volumes of national water used.


Specifically, Euromag electromagnetic flowmeters applied to the extraction installation will allow certain advantages to be achieved, such as accurate measurement throughout the life of the equipment and detailed analysis of water quality and suspended solids.


At Euromag we are aware of the value of water and that is why we apply our experience and expertise to take care of it.